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The National Face Mask

The Coronavirus has placed upon the world and the State of Israel a situation that imposes multiple hardships on the routine life of all the citizens of the State of Israel. The Health Ministry, in cooperation with the country’s defense establishment, has led an initiative, the objective of which is to manufacture an available supply of quality, reusable cloth face masks verified by the Health Ministry and intended for the entire Israeli population. 

The project’s objective is to assist in reducing the infection rate by facilitating an increase in the sheer number of people wearing face masks throughout Israel.


During the initial phase, 300,000 face masks were handed out in infection hot spots such as Beit Shemesh, Beitar Ilit, Baqa Al-Garbia, and others, to prevent massive growth in the scope and numbers of infected persons in these hot spots. Along with the distribution, training was provided to the population concerning the correct use of the face masks, to create a proper culture of wearing face masks in the public sphere.

Made in Israel!
The production chain of these 300,000 face masks is comprised entirely of ‘Made in Israel’ components including a national network of several hundred seamstresses’ and tailors, men and women, across the country under the auspices of a project management team run with help from the “Kulanu Lema’an Kulanu” (All of Us for Us All) Association. 

This project has a wide-ranging, national agenda, but no less important is its socio-economic objective: The “Kulanu Lema’an Kulanu” Association is a non-profit association that since 2005 assisted needy families and youth at risk. The association entered the face mask project out of a sense of commitment to the State of Israel and the desire to shine a spotlight on the subject of social aid during such a problematic and severe crisis facing the Israeli economy. The project is currently employing hundreds of citizens who have lost their livelihood, people from all across the spectrum of Israeli society, young people at risk, who are assisting in packaging the face masks, all the raw materials come from the local economy and provide work and income for textile factories that have been hit severely by the Coronavirus crisis.


To summarize:
The initiative creates a Health Ministry approved uniform standard for reusable cloth face masks. The initiative supplies face masks manufactured according to standard to infection hot spots across the country in an initial batch of 300,000 face masks to create a proper culture for wearing face masks, and reducing the rate of infection in these hot spots, while at the same time investing resources entirely in the local Israeli economy - seamstress’, factories, youth at risk, and others. 


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תרומה לקהילה, פרוייקט המסכה הלאומית, תרומה למשפחות נזקקות, מתן עבודה לאוכלוסיות מוחלשות

  • כולנו למען כולנו בפייסבוק
יצירה, מחזור, קהילה, נגרות אקולוגית, סדנאות, נוער למען הקהילה, התנדבות, איכות הסביבה, תרומה לקהילה ועוד...

כולנו למען כולנו (ע"ר) | רח' הזית 58/14, מתחם השוק החדש, קריית גת, 8208834 | 055-9523734 |

KLK organization |  58 Ha Zait St, Qiryat Gat, Israel | 055-9523734 |

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